Saturday, September 3, 2011

Installation of NS2 in ubuntu

I tried to install ns2 and downloaded its code to install it in my ubuntu10.10 system but it was tedious task.
And then i found that following steps were the most simplest way to install ns2.

step 1: make sure that u don't have any previous installation of ns2.

step 2: export the key for ppa
           #sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys B3F3334F

step 3: add ppa to your source. You can get this file /etc/apt/source.list. Simply append these line to source.list file.
             deb karmic main

             deb-src karmic main

step 4: now reload your apt-cache 
            #sudo apt-get update 
            or simply reload your synaptic package manager

step 5: install ns2
             #sudo apt-get install ns nam xgraph
      now ns2 installed.

Test run:
download sample code that is tcl file.
run this code
         # ns example1b.tcl

done......  enjoy coding.. 


  1. hey dude
    its very very very useful for me because i was frustrated of surfing for a lot of stuff for installation of ns2.
    thanks bro....

  2. hey dude
    its very very very useful for me because i was frustrated of surfing for a lot of stuff for installation of ns2.
    thanks bro....
